Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chili and Herbs are Growing Well

Funny, only one or two days have passed, and suddenly just about ALL the seed pods have sprouted, both in the chili Aerogarden and the herb Aerogarden.

Sprouted and doing well: Basil, Sage #1, Thyme #1, Thyme #2, Mini Jalapeno #1, Red Fire #1, Red Fire #2
Sprouted and looking a little anemic: Cilantro, Purple Super Hot #1, Mini Jalapeno #2
Not cooperating so far: Parsley, Sage #2, Purple Super Hot #2

In fact, the Red Fire is doing so well I already took the plastic dome off. As for the others, I'll keep the dome on for a little while (in a previous garden, I took the dome off too early and the fragile leaves ended up burning under the lights).

I'm a little worried about the cilantro. The seed has sprouted, but the leaves look a little yellow. Whether they will survive depends not just on whether the leaves are growing, but whether the roots are taking hold of the grow sponge. Hopefully a few more days and we'll see the plant strong and tall.

In a nutshell, I'm pleasantly surprised at how well the seeds are growing this time around. I can almost smell my chicken pot pie already! :)

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