Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 64: So much basil

Well, the basil was once again growing tall against the grow lights, so I had to prune the plant, cutting off a third from each of the plants. Now, if you've been reading this blog, you know that I am loathe to throw away any basil. But since I had to leave for a weekend trip, I had to chop them and...gasp...throw them out.

I've read suggestions on the Web on how to keep basil--some people dry it, some people freeze it in ice cube trays, some people immerse it in olive oil and put it in the refrigerator. But to be honest, this thing is so prolific that there's really no need to preserve it--by next week it'll be filled with basil again.

In the meantime, when I return from my trip, I'm going to go buy me some fresh mozzarella and tomatoes so I can start making a caprese salad, which is $10.50 from room service in the hotel room I'm in now!

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